Thank you for sharing your report – I think you’ve done a great job, and I will be going online to read the reports from the other countries you’ve visited! … It’s important we spread the word about new ideas, new approaches and what works around the world.
Leaving on a Jet Plane
Oh my goodness, this trip has flown! I thought a month seemed plenty of time – and I’m well aware how fortunate I’ve been to be able to do this – but in some ways it feels like I’m only beginning. If you’re reading this, you’ll already know I’ve been doing my best to share…
You’ve Got to Have a Dream…
Today I’m in Oulu – the biggest city in northern Finland, and about as far from Helsinki as Edinburgh is from London. Oulu is home to the headquarters of Luovi Vocational College, the biggest provider of vocational special needs education and training in Finland, with over 30 locations across the country. Colleges like Luovi are…
Resounding success
Image: Resonaarigroup, disabled musicians employed by Resonaari, in performance. Used with permission If you listen to people who use a service, they will tell you what works and what doesn’t. Paying attention is often the difference between changing lives for the better and falling short of the mark. It’s not just about providing the best…
Best job in the world
Every so often, a day comes along when this feels like the best job in the world. Today was one of them. Don’t you love being around people who know their stuff, care passionately about what they do and are 100% committed to young people living their best possible life? I was at the Häme…